(extension in Commander):Commander.ArgumentConvertible.init (string : Swift.String) throws -> A
(extension in Commander):Commander.CommandType.run (Swift.Array<Swift.String>) throws -> ()
(extension in Commander):Commander.CommandType.run (Swift.Optional<Swift.String>) -> ()
(extension in Commander):Swift.Array<A where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible>.init (parser : Commander.ArgumentParser) throws -> Swift.Array<A>
(extension in Commander):Swift.Double.init (parser : Commander.ArgumentParser) throws -> Swift.Double
(extension in Commander):Swift.Float.init (parser : Commander.ArgumentParser) throws -> Swift.Float
(extension in Commander):Swift.Int.init (parser : Commander.ArgumentParser) throws -> Swift.Int
(extension in Commander):Swift.String.description : Swift.String
(extension in Commander):Swift.String.init (parser : Commander.ArgumentParser) throws -> Swift.String
(extension in PathKit):Swift.Array.fullSlice : Swift.ArraySlice<A>
Chores.(chore_task in _6A69C3BF3C8D3556B6AC9985D7ACC138) (Swift.String, Swift.Array<Swift.String>, stdin : Swift.String) -> (result : Swift.Int32, stdout : Swift.String, stderr : Swift.String)
Chores.(string_trim in _6A69C3BF3C8D3556B6AC9985D7ACC138) (Swift.ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<__ObjC.NSString>) -> Swift.String
Commander.(Arg in _FD2251DDCA18D8E4B61556BA09B7B5E1)
Commander.(Arg in _FD2251DDCA18D8E4B61556BA09B7B5E1).Argument (Commander.(Arg in _FD2251DDCA18D8E4B61556BA09B7B5E1).Type) -> (Swift.String) -> Commander.(Arg in _FD2251DDCA18D8E4B61556BA09B7B5E1)
Commander.(Arg in _FD2251DDCA18D8E4B61556BA09B7B5E1).Flag (Commander.(Arg in _FD2251DDCA18D8E4B61556BA09B7B5E1).Type) -> (Swift.Set<Swift.Character>) -> Commander.(Arg in _FD2251DDCA18D8E4B61556BA09B7B5E1)
Commander.(Arg in _FD2251DDCA18D8E4B61556BA09B7B5E1).Option (Commander.(Arg in _FD2251DDCA18D8E4B61556BA09B7B5E1).Type) -> (Swift.String) -> Commander.(Arg in _FD2251DDCA18D8E4B61556BA09B7B5E1)
Commander.(Arg in _FD2251DDCA18D8E4B61556BA09B7B5E1).description : Swift.String
Commander.(Arg in _FD2251DDCA18D8E4B61556BA09B7B5E1).type : Swift.String
Commander.AnonymousCommand.closure : (Commander.ArgumentParser) throws -> ()
Commander.AnonymousCommand.init ((Commander.ArgumentParser) throws -> ()) -> Commander.AnonymousCommand
Commander.AnonymousCommand.run (Commander.ArgumentParser) throws -> ()
Commander.Argument with unmangled suffix "1TMx"
Commander.Argument with unmangled suffix "9Validator"
Commander.Argument with unmangled suffix "9ValueType"
Commander.Argument.description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>
Commander.Argument.init (Swift.String, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, validator : Swift.Optional<(A) throws -> A>) -> Commander.Argument<A>
Commander.Argument.name : Swift.String
Commander.Argument.parse (Commander.ArgumentParser) throws -> A
Commander.Argument.type : Commander.ArgumentType
Commander.Argument.validator : Swift.Optional<(A) throws -> A>
Commander.ArgumentConvertible.init (parser : Commander.ArgumentParser) throws -> A
Commander.ArgumentDescriptor.description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>
Commander.ArgumentDescriptor.name : Swift.String
Commander.ArgumentDescriptor.parse (Commander.ArgumentParser) throws -> A.ValueType
Commander.ArgumentDescriptor.type : Commander.ArgumentType
Commander.ArgumentError.InvalidType (Commander.ArgumentError.Type) -> (value : Swift.String, type : Swift.String, argument : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>) -> Commander.ArgumentError
Commander.ArgumentError.MissingValue (Commander.ArgumentError.Type) -> (argument : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>) -> Commander.ArgumentError
Commander.ArgumentError.UnusedArgument (Commander.ArgumentError.Type) -> (Swift.String) -> Commander.ArgumentError
Commander.ArgumentError.description : Swift.String
Commander.ArgumentParser.(arguments in _FD2251DDCA18D8E4B61556BA09B7B5E1) : Swift.Array<Commander.(Arg in _FD2251DDCA18D8E4B61556BA09B7B5E1)>
Commander.ArgumentParser.description : Swift.String
Commander.ArgumentParser.hasFlag (Swift.Character) -> Swift.Bool
Commander.ArgumentParser.hasOption (Swift.String) -> Swift.Bool
Commander.ArgumentParser.init (arguments : Swift.Array<Swift.String>) -> Commander.ArgumentParser
Commander.ArgumentParser.init (parser : Commander.ArgumentParser) throws -> Commander.ArgumentParser
Commander.ArgumentParser.isEmpty : Swift.Bool
Commander.ArgumentParser.remainder : Swift.Array<Swift.String>
Commander.ArgumentParser.shift () -> Swift.Optional<Swift.String>
Commander.ArgumentParser.shiftValueForFlag (Swift.Character) throws -> Swift.Optional<Swift.String>
Commander.ArgumentParser.shiftValueForOption (Swift.String) throws -> Swift.Optional<Swift.String>
Commander.ArgumentParser.shiftValuesForFlag (Swift.Character, count : Swift.Int) throws -> Swift.Optional<Swift.Array<Swift.String>>
Commander.ArgumentParser.shiftValuesForOption (Swift.String, count : Swift.Int) throws -> Swift.Optional<Swift.Array<Swift.String>>
Commander.ArgumentParserError.description : Swift.String
Commander.ArgumentParserError.init (Swift.String) -> Commander.ArgumentParserError
Commander.ArgumentType.Argument (Commander.ArgumentType.Type) -> Commander.ArgumentType
Commander.ArgumentType.Option (Commander.ArgumentType.Type) -> Commander.ArgumentType
Commander.BoxedArgumentDescriptor.default : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>
Commander.BoxedArgumentDescriptor.description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>
Commander.BoxedArgumentDescriptor.init <A where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (value : A) -> Commander.BoxedArgumentDescriptor
Commander.BoxedArgumentDescriptor.name : Swift.String
Commander.BoxedArgumentDescriptor.type : Commander.ArgumentType
Commander.CommandError.InvalidArgument (Commander.CommandError.Type) -> Commander.CommandError
Commander.CommandType.run (Commander.ArgumentParser) throws -> ()
Commander.Flag with unmangled suffix "9ValueType"
Commander.Flag.default : Swift.Bool
Commander.Flag.description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>
Commander.Flag.disabledFlag : Swift.Optional<Swift.Character>
Commander.Flag.disabledName : Swift.String
Commander.Flag.flag : Swift.Optional<Swift.Character>
Commander.Flag.init (Swift.String, flag : Swift.Optional<Swift.Character>, disabledName : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, disabledFlag : Swift.Optional<Swift.Character>, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, default : Swift.Bool) -> Commander.Flag
Commander.Flag.name : Swift.String
Commander.Flag.parse (Commander.ArgumentParser) throws -> Swift.Bool
Commander.Flag.type : Commander.ArgumentType
Commander.Group.SubCommand.command : Commander.CommandType
Commander.Group.SubCommand.description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>
Commander.Group.SubCommand.init (name : Swift.String, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, command : Commander.CommandType) -> Commander.Group.SubCommand
Commander.Group.SubCommand.name : Swift.String
Commander.Group.addCommand (Swift.String, Commander.CommandType) -> ()
Commander.Group.addCommand (Swift.String, Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, Commander.CommandType) -> ()
Commander.Group.command (Swift.String, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : () throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> (Swift.String, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (Swift.String, A, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A, B where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, B: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> (Swift.String, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A, B) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A, B where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, B: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (Swift.String, A, B, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A.ValueType, B.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A, B, C where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, B: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, C: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> (Swift.String, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A, B, C) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A, B, C where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, B: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, C: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (Swift.String, A, B, C, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A.ValueType, B.ValueType, C.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A, B, C, D where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, B: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, C: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, D: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> (Swift.String, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A, B, C, D) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A, B, C, D where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, B: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, C: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, D: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (Swift.String, A, B, C, D, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A.ValueType, B.ValueType, C.ValueType, D.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A, B, C, D, E where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, B: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, C: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, D: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, E: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> (Swift.String, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A, B, C, D, E) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A, B, C, D, E where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, B: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, C: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, D: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, E: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (Swift.String, A, B, C, D, E, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A.ValueType, B.ValueType, C.ValueType, D.ValueType, E.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A, B, C, D, E, F where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, B: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, C: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, D: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, E: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, F: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> (Swift.String, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A, B, C, D, E, F) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A, B, C, D, E, F where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, B: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, C: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, D: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, E: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, F: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (Swift.String, A, B, C, D, E, F, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A.ValueType, B.ValueType, C.ValueType, D.ValueType, E.ValueType, F.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, B: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, C: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, D: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, E: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, F: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, G: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> (Swift.String, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, B: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, C: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, D: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, E: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, F: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, G: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (Swift.String, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A.ValueType, B.ValueType, C.ValueType, D.ValueType, E.ValueType, F.ValueType, G.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, B: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, C: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, D: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, E: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, F: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, G: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, H: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> (Swift.String, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, B: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, C: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, D: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, E: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, F: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, G: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, H: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (Swift.String, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A.ValueType, B.ValueType, C.ValueType, D.ValueType, E.ValueType, F.ValueType, G.ValueType, H.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, B: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, C: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, D: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, E: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, F: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, G: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, H: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, I: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> (Swift.String, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, B: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, C: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, D: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, E: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, F: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, G: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, H: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, I: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (Swift.String, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A.ValueType, B.ValueType, C.ValueType, D.ValueType, E.ValueType, F.ValueType, G.ValueType, H.ValueType, I.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, B: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, C: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, D: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, E: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, F: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, G: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, H: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, I: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, J: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> (Swift.String, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, B: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, C: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, D: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, E: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, F: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, G: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, H: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, I: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, J: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (Swift.String, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A.ValueType, B.ValueType, C.ValueType, D.ValueType, E.ValueType, F.ValueType, G.ValueType, H.ValueType, I.ValueType, J.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, B: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, C: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, D: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, E: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, F: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, G: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, H: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, I: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, J: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, K: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> (Swift.String, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, B: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, C: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, D: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, E: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, F: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, G: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, H: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, I: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, J: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, K: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (Swift.String, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A.ValueType, B.ValueType, C.ValueType, D.ValueType, E.ValueType, F.ValueType, G.ValueType, H.ValueType, I.ValueType, J.ValueType, K.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, B: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, C: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, D: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, E: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, F: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, G: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, H: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, I: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, J: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, K: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, L: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> (Swift.String, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, B: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, C: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, D: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, E: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, F: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, G: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, H: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, I: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, J: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, K: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, L: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (Swift.String, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A.ValueType, B.ValueType, C.ValueType, D.ValueType, E.ValueType, F.ValueType, G.ValueType, H.ValueType, I.ValueType, J.ValueType, K.ValueType, L.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, B: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, C: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, D: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, E: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, F: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, G: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, H: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, I: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, J: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, K: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, L: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, M: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> (Swift.String, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, B: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, C: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, D: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, E: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, F: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, G: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, H: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, I: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, J: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, K: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, L: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, M: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (Swift.String, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A.ValueType, B.ValueType, C.ValueType, D.ValueType, E.ValueType, F.ValueType, G.ValueType, H.ValueType, I.ValueType, J.ValueType, K.ValueType, L.ValueType, M.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, B: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, C: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, D: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, E: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, F: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, G: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, H: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, I: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, J: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, K: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, L: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, M: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, N: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> (Swift.String, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, B: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, C: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, D: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, E: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, F: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, G: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, H: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, I: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, J: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, K: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, L: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, M: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, N: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (Swift.String, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (A.ValueType, B.ValueType, C.ValueType, D.ValueType, E.ValueType, F.ValueType, G.ValueType, H.ValueType, I.ValueType, J.ValueType, K.ValueType, L.ValueType, M.ValueType, N.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.commands : Swift.Array<Commander.Group.SubCommand>
Commander.Group.group (Swift.String, Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, closure : (Commander.Group) -> ()) -> ()
Commander.Group.init () -> Commander.Group
Commander.Group.init (closure : (Commander.Group) -> ()) -> Commander.Group
Commander.Group.run (Commander.ArgumentParser) throws -> ()
Commander.Group.unknownCommand : Swift.Optional<(name : Swift.String, parser : Commander.ArgumentParser) throws -> ()>
Commander.GroupError.NoCommand (Commander.GroupError.Type) -> (Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, Commander.Group) -> Commander.GroupError
Commander.GroupError.UnknownCommand (Commander.GroupError.Type) -> (Swift.String) -> Commander.GroupError
Commander.GroupError.description : Swift.String
Commander.Help.command : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>
Commander.Help.description : Swift.String
Commander.Help.descriptors : Swift.Array<Commander.BoxedArgumentDescriptor>
Commander.Help.group : Swift.Optional<Commander.Group>
Commander.Help.init (Swift.Array<Commander.BoxedArgumentDescriptor>, command : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, group : Swift.Optional<Commander.Group>) -> Commander.Help
Commander.Help.reraise (Swift.Optional<Swift.String>) -> Commander.Help
Commander.Option with unmangled suffix "1TMx"
Commander.Option with unmangled suffix "9Validator"
Commander.Option with unmangled suffix "9ValueType"
Commander.Option.default : A
Commander.Option.description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>
Commander.Option.flag : Swift.Optional<Swift.Character>
Commander.Option.init (Swift.String, A, flag : Swift.Optional<Swift.Character>, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>, validator : Swift.Optional<(A) throws -> A>) -> Commander.Option<A>
Commander.Option.name : Swift.String
Commander.Option.parse (Commander.ArgumentParser) throws -> A
Commander.Option.type : Commander.ArgumentType
Commander.Option.validator : Swift.Optional<(A) throws -> A>
Commander.Options with unmangled suffix "1TMx"
Commander.Options with unmangled suffix "9ValueType"
Commander.Options.count : Swift.Int
Commander.Options.default : Swift.Array<A>
Commander.Options.description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>
Commander.Options.init (Swift.String, Swift.Array<A>, count : Swift.Int, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>) -> Commander.Options<A>
Commander.Options.name : Swift.String
Commander.Options.parse (Commander.ArgumentParser) throws -> Swift.Array<A>
Commander.Options.type : Commander.ArgumentType
Commander.UsageError.description : Swift.String
Commander.UsageError.help : Commander.Help
Commander.UsageError.init (Swift.String, Commander.Help) -> Commander.UsageError
Commander.UsageError.message : Swift.String
Commander.VaradicArgument with unmangled suffix "1TMx"
Commander.VaradicArgument with unmangled suffix "9ValueType"
Commander.VaradicArgument.description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>
Commander.VaradicArgument.init (Swift.String, description : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>) -> Commander.VaradicArgument<A>
Commander.VaradicArgument.name : Swift.String
Commander.VaradicArgument.parse (Commander.ArgumentParser) throws -> Swift.Array<A>
Commander.VaradicArgument.type : Commander.ArgumentType
Commander.command (() throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> ((A) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (A, closure : (A.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A, B where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, B: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> ((A, B) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A, B where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, B: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (A, B, closure : (A.ValueType, B.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A, B, C where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, B: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, C: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> ((A, B, C) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A, B, C where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, B: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, C: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (A, B, C, closure : (A.ValueType, B.ValueType, C.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A, B, C, D where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, B: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, C: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, D: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> ((A, B, C, D) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A, B, C, D where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, B: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, C: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, D: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (A, B, C, D, closure : (A.ValueType, B.ValueType, C.ValueType, D.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A, B, C, D, E where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, B: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, C: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, D: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, E: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> ((A, B, C, D, E) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A, B, C, D, E where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, B: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, C: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, D: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, E: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (A, B, C, D, E, closure : (A.ValueType, B.ValueType, C.ValueType, D.ValueType, E.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A, B, C, D, E, F where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, B: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, C: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, D: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, E: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, F: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> ((A, B, C, D, E, F) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A, B, C, D, E, F where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, B: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, C: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, D: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, E: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, F: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (A, B, C, D, E, F, closure : (A.ValueType, B.ValueType, C.ValueType, D.ValueType, E.ValueType, F.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, B: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, C: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, D: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, E: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, F: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, G: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> ((A, B, C, D, E, F, G) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, B: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, C: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, D: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, E: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, F: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, G: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, closure : (A.ValueType, B.ValueType, C.ValueType, D.ValueType, E.ValueType, F.ValueType, G.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, B: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, C: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, D: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, E: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, F: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, G: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, H: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> ((A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, B: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, C: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, D: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, E: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, F: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, G: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, H: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, closure : (A.ValueType, B.ValueType, C.ValueType, D.ValueType, E.ValueType, F.ValueType, G.ValueType, H.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, B: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, C: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, D: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, E: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, F: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, G: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, H: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, I: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> ((A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, B: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, C: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, D: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, E: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, F: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, G: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, H: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, I: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, closure : (A.ValueType, B.ValueType, C.ValueType, D.ValueType, E.ValueType, F.ValueType, G.ValueType, H.ValueType, I.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, B: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, C: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, D: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, E: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, F: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, G: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, H: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, I: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, J: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> ((A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, B: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, C: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, D: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, E: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, F: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, G: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, H: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, I: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, J: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, closure : (A.ValueType, B.ValueType, C.ValueType, D.ValueType, E.ValueType, F.ValueType, G.ValueType, H.ValueType, I.ValueType, J.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, B: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, C: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, D: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, E: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, F: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, G: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, H: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, I: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, J: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, K: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> ((A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, B: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, C: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, D: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, E: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, F: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, G: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, H: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, I: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, J: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, K: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, closure : (A.ValueType, B.ValueType, C.ValueType, D.ValueType, E.ValueType, F.ValueType, G.ValueType, H.ValueType, I.ValueType, J.ValueType, K.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, B: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, C: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, D: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, E: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, F: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, G: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, H: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, I: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, J: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, K: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, L: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> ((A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, B: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, C: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, D: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, E: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, F: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, G: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, H: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, I: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, J: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, K: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, L: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, closure : (A.ValueType, B.ValueType, C.ValueType, D.ValueType, E.ValueType, F.ValueType, G.ValueType, H.ValueType, I.ValueType, J.ValueType, K.ValueType, L.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, B: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, C: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, D: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, E: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, F: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, G: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, H: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, I: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, J: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, K: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, L: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, M: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> ((A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, B: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, C: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, D: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, E: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, F: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, G: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, H: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, I: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, J: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, K: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, L: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, M: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, closure : (A.ValueType, B.ValueType, C.ValueType, D.ValueType, E.ValueType, F.ValueType, G.ValueType, H.ValueType, I.ValueType, J.ValueType, K.ValueType, L.ValueType, M.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N where A: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, B: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, C: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, D: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, E: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, F: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, G: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, H: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, I: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, J: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, K: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, L: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, M: Commander.ArgumentConvertible, N: Commander.ArgumentConvertible> ((A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
Commander.command <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N where A: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, B: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, C: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, D: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, E: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, F: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, G: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, H: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, I: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, J: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, K: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, L: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, M: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor, N: Commander.ArgumentDescriptor> (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, closure : (A.ValueType, B.ValueType, C.ValueType, D.ValueType, E.ValueType, F.ValueType, G.ValueType, H.ValueType, I.ValueType, J.ValueType, K.ValueType, L.ValueType, M.ValueType, N.ValueType) throws -> ()) -> Commander.CommandType
PathKit.Path with unmangled suffix "24UnicodeScalarLiteralType"
PathKit.Path with unmangled suffix "34ExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteralType"
PathKit.Path.DirectoryEnumerator with unmangled suffix "7Element"
PathKit.Path.DirectoryEnumerator.directoryEnumerator : __ObjC.NSDirectoryEnumerator
PathKit.Path.DirectoryEnumerator.init (path : PathKit.Path) -> PathKit.Path.DirectoryEnumerator
PathKit.Path.DirectoryEnumerator.next () -> Swift.Optional<PathKit.Path>
PathKit.Path.DirectoryEnumerator.path : PathKit.Path
PathKit.Path.DirectoryEnumerator.skipDescendants () -> ()
PathKit.Path.abbreviate () -> PathKit.Path
PathKit.Path.absolute () -> PathKit.Path
PathKit.Path.chdir (() throws -> ()) throws -> ()
PathKit.Path.children () throws -> Swift.Array<PathKit.Path>
PathKit.Path.components : Swift.Array<Swift.String>
PathKit.Path.copy (PathKit.Path) throws -> ()
PathKit.Path.delete () throws -> ()
PathKit.Path.description : Swift.String
PathKit.Path.exists : Swift.Bool
PathKit.Path.extension : Swift.Optional<Swift.String>
PathKit.Path.generate () -> PathKit.Path.DirectoryEnumerator
PathKit.Path.glob (Swift.String) -> Swift.Array<PathKit.Path>
PathKit.Path.hashValue : Swift.Int
PathKit.Path.init () -> PathKit.Path
PathKit.Path.init (Swift.String) -> PathKit.Path
PathKit.Path.init (extendedGraphemeClusterLiteral : Swift.String) -> PathKit.Path
PathKit.Path.init (stringLiteral : Swift.String) -> PathKit.Path
PathKit.Path.init (unicodeScalarLiteral : Swift.String) -> PathKit.Path
PathKit.Path.init <A where A: Swift.CollectionType, A.Generator.Element == Swift.String> (components : A) -> PathKit.Path
PathKit.Path.isAbsolute : Swift.Bool
PathKit.Path.isDeletable : Swift.Bool
PathKit.Path.isDirectory : Swift.Bool
PathKit.Path.isExecutable : Swift.Bool
PathKit.Path.isFile : Swift.Bool
PathKit.Path.isReadable : Swift.Bool
PathKit.Path.isRelative : Swift.Bool
PathKit.Path.isSymlink : Swift.Bool
PathKit.Path.isWritable : Swift.Bool
PathKit.Path.lastComponent : Swift.String
PathKit.Path.lastComponentWithoutExtension : Swift.String
PathKit.Path.link (PathKit.Path) throws -> ()
PathKit.Path.mkdir () throws -> ()
PathKit.Path.mkpath () throws -> ()
PathKit.Path.move (PathKit.Path) throws -> ()
PathKit.Path.normalize () -> PathKit.Path
PathKit.Path.parent () -> PathKit.Path
PathKit.Path.path : Swift.String
PathKit.Path.read () throws -> __ObjC.NSData
PathKit.Path.read (Swift.UInt) throws -> Swift.String
PathKit.Path.recursiveChildren () throws -> Swift.Array<PathKit.Path>
PathKit.Path.symlink (PathKit.Path) throws -> ()
PathKit.Path.symlinkDestination () throws -> PathKit.Path
PathKit.Path.write (Swift.String, encoding : Swift.UInt) throws -> ()
PathKit.Path.write (__ObjC.NSData) throws -> ()
PathKit.system_glob : (Swift.UnsafePointer<Swift.Int8>, Swift.Int32, Swift.ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<@convention(c) (Swift.UnsafePointer<Swift.Int8>, Swift.Int32) -> Swift.Int32>, Swift.UnsafeMutablePointer<__C.glob_t>) -> Swift.Int32
static Chores.> prefix (Swift.Array<Swift.String>) -> (result : Swift.Int32, stdout : Swift.String, stderr : Swift.String)
static Chores.> prefix (Swift.String) -> (result : Swift.Int32, stdout : Swift.String, stderr : Swift.String)
static Chores.| infix (() -> Swift.String, Swift.Array<Swift.String>) -> (result : Swift.Int32, stdout : Swift.String, stderr : Swift.String)
static Chores.| infix (() -> Swift.String, Swift.String) -> (result : Swift.Int32, stdout : Swift.String, stderr : Swift.String)
static Chores.| infix ((result : Swift.Int32, stdout : Swift.String, stderr : Swift.String), (Swift.String) -> Swift.String) -> (result : Swift.Int32, stdout : Swift.String, stderr : Swift.String)
static Chores.| infix ((result : Swift.Int32, stdout : Swift.String, stderr : Swift.String), Swift.Array<Swift.String>) -> (result : Swift.Int32, stdout : Swift.String, stderr : Swift.String)
static Chores.| infix ((result : Swift.Int32, stdout : Swift.String, stderr : Swift.String), Swift.String) -> (result : Swift.Int32, stdout : Swift.String, stderr : Swift.String)
static Chores.| infix (Swift.String, Swift.Array<Swift.String>) -> (result : Swift.Int32, stdout : Swift.String, stderr : Swift.String)
static Chores.| infix (Swift.String, Swift.String) -> (result : Swift.Int32, stdout : Swift.String, stderr : Swift.String)
static Commander.== infix (Commander.ArgumentError, Commander.ArgumentError) -> Swift.Bool
static Commander.== infix (Commander.ArgumentParserError, Commander.ArgumentParserError) -> Swift.Bool
static Commander.== infix (Commander.GroupError, Commander.GroupError) -> Swift.Bool
static PathKit.+ infix (PathKit.Path, PathKit.Path) -> PathKit.Path
static PathKit.+ infix (PathKit.Path, Swift.String) -> PathKit.Path
static PathKit.+ infix (Swift.String, Swift.String) -> PathKit.Path
static PathKit.< infix (PathKit.Path, PathKit.Path) -> Swift.Bool
static PathKit.== infix (PathKit.Path, PathKit.Path) -> Swift.Bool
static PathKit.Path.current : PathKit.Path
static PathKit.Path.fileManager : __ObjC.NSFileManager
static PathKit.Path.glob (Swift.String) -> Swift.Array<PathKit.Path>
static PathKit.Path.home : PathKit.Path
static PathKit.Path.processUniqueTemporary () throws -> PathKit.Path
static PathKit.Path.separator : Swift.String
static PathKit.Path.temporary : PathKit.Path
static PathKit.Path.uniqueTemporary () throws -> PathKit.Path
static PathKit.~= infix (PathKit.Path, PathKit.Path) -> Swift.Bool